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Webdesign - CREATE.SK

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CSS - Cascading Style Sheets is a general extension of (X) HTML. W3C CSS refers to as a simple mechanism for visual formatting web documents. Using cascading style sheets to create structured documents, thus separating the contents of the document (HTML) from its appearance (CSS). This gives the clear and simple code. CSS can be transferred to external files reduces the size of the Data and is one file to change the whole style of the page. CSS provides the same rendering in all browsers. However, it is not always easy to achieve optimized CSS code for a range of browsers.

CMS - (content management system, Web Content Management - WCM, Content Management System - CMS, Content Publishing -) is a system that serves to create and manage presentations on the Internet. The essence of work in CMS is creating content that is separate from the design and functionality (as given on the basis of special templates) site. Substantive change is not to enforce changes in design or repair of other information. Thanks to the editorial system of the user to alter the content pages and not taking control programming or scripting language. Each manufacturer offers a number of modules that the user according to their needs and purchase requirements. Money invested in content management system will be returned through lower maintenance costs and create sub-pages and there is scope for further savings (cheaper and better use of available resources).

DNS Server - Domain Name System or DNS is a system that requires access to information about the machine name (hostname) and domain name in the same database in a distributed computer networks as the Internet. Most importantly, it provides a mechanism to obtain IP addresses for each machine name (lookup) and vice versa (reverse), and provides mail servers (MX record) accepting mail for that domain. DNS on the Internet generally provides an important service, because while computers and network hardware work with IP addresses, people are generally easier to remember machine names and domains using eg. in the URL and e-mail address (particularly annoying when it would be an IPv6 address). DNS is a mediator between wetware and software needs.

FTP - FTP (File Transfer Protocol), TCP / IP protocol designed for transferring files between computers, whether on the Internet or local network.

HTML - Hypertext markup language (HyperText Markup Language, HTML) is a markup language designed for creating web pages and other information viewable in a web browser. HTML emphasis is rather on the presentation of information (paragraphs, fonts, font weight, spreadsheets, etc.) as the semantics (meaning of words). It was originally intended as a very simplified subset of SGML that is used in organizations with complex editorial requirements, but later became a separate standard (ISO / IEC 15445:2000). HTML specification maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The current version is HTML 4.01, but plans to replace HTML W3C XHTML, XML implementation to facilitate the work of browsers and of makers web sites.

HTTP - (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for transferring HTML documents between servers and Web services clients. Acts as a primary method of transport information on the World Wide Web. The original purpose was to provide funds for the publication and collection of HTML pages.

JavaScript - JavaScript is a scripting programming language. Language is used mainly to create websites. Originally developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape Communications under the name Mocha, later under the name LiveScript. Prior to the public has been renamed to "JavaScript", especially for the then popularity of Java. Even on the basis of its title is a widespread perception that JavaScript syntax is similar to Java, in fact, was the creator of the most inspired language Self.

Offpage Optimization - i sa part of SEO, which includes all equipment taking place outside the pages of your site.

Onpage Optimization - is part of SEO, which includes all the techniques that are directly related to the construction site.

PageRank - PageRank is a link analysis algorithm that assigns a numerical rating to each element in each set of lines related documents such as the World Wide Web in order to assess the relative significance of the document in this set. PageRank also indicates that the numerical evaluation.

PHP - (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular open source scripting programming language used mainly for programming client-server applications (server side) and the development of dynamic web pages. PHP was inspired by supporting structured programming languages, most properties taken over from the C and Perl. In later versions have been enhanced to use objects. One of the interesting features of PHP is that it allows more than the current scripting language. Thanks to its modular design can also be used for PHP application development with user interface (GUI). PHP can work with relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SQLite, while still maintaining a simple and straightforward syntax. PHP runs on almost all major operating systems including UNIX, Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Works with most widespread web servers. The architecture of Linux, Apache.

POP3 - Post Office Protocol (POP) is a mail protocol on the application layer, which is used for receiving e-mail from a remote server via TCP / IP connections. Post office protocol is a series of rules about how to manage the transfer of electronic mail between two points in the network. POP works with TCP / IP connections.

PPC - Pay Per Click is one way of paying for advertising on the Internet. Principle of Pay Per Click is that an advertiser pays for advertising to the moment when it can be assumed, therefore at the moment of her potential customer clicked. Paid advertising is now the fastest easiest way to achieve immediate visible results in sales and traffic. Compared with traditional banner or places at the portals have the advantage that the customer does not pay for impressions, but only a real visitor to your website. Another advantage of these systems is that the links are usually displayed on pages with relevant content. This link is more directed at a key client, intimidate where people care about something else.

SEM - SEM is a set of marketing methods to increase the visibility of web sites (corporate site, online store) in search results provided by search engines like Google, Yahoo ...

SEO - Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a set of techniques to improve the position for which optimized website appears in search results in search engines. SEO involves linkbuilding, linkbaiting, social media marketing, viral marketing, online PR in combination with semantic web encoding. Keywords are the most important part of SEO process to optimize specific web pages for search engines. SEO techniques are classified to which companies operating search engines recommend to improve its position, ie. White hat SEO techniques, which prohibit called. Black hat SEO. Search services are trying to discourage black hat SEO.

Server - Server (to serve - serve to provide a service) software in the computer network takes place in the hierarchy of precedence with regard to functionality. Offers its clients resources and power. Through a server can be shared between computer data or access to data stored on the server, respectively. use it as a gateway to connect to another network.

SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language VIP (SGML) is a metalanguage in which it is possible to define markup languages for documents.

SMTP - SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is a simple protocol allowing the transmission of e-mails between stations. ensure mail delivery protocol using a direct connection between the addressee and the sender, message is delivered to the so-called. mailbox address to which the user can access using the POP3 and IMAP. It is one of the oldest applications, the original RFC 821 standard was issued in 1982 (in 2001 replaced it later with the name of RFC 2821). SMTP works over TCP, using port TCP/25.

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the protocols the Internet protocol suite, which form its core. Thanks TCP can programs for networked computers to create connections between them (connections), which can send data. Protocol while ensuring that data sent from one end of the links will be taken to other connections in the same order and with no missing parts. Also distinguishes data for different applications (like web server and mail server) within a single computer.

URL - URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, simply said address locations on the Internet. URL is a URI that, in addition to identifying the source allows the description of its location using the primary access method to it (eg, "location" in the network).

URI - Uniform Resource Identifier (literally uniform resource identifier), the acronym URI, is a compact string of characters used to identify or name the source [1]. The main purpose of this identification is to enable interaction with presentations by the resource over a network, typically via the World Wide Web, using specific protocols. URIs are defined in schemes defining a specific syntax and associated protocols.

W3C - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) je konzorcium produkujúce slobodné štandardy -- „odporúčania“, ako ich nazývajú -- pre World Wide Web. Hlavou konzorcia je Tim Berners-Lee, pôvodný autor URL (Uniform Resource Locator), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) a HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), principiálnych technológií tvoriacich základ webu. W3C štandard prechádza niekoľkými fázami. Začína ako pracovný náčrt (Working Draft), posledná výzva (Last Call), kandidát na odporúčanie (Candidate Recommendation) a návrh odporúčania (Proposed Recommendation). Končí ako odporúčanie (Recommendation). Aktualizácia odporúčania sa deje pomocou zvlášť publikovaného errata, kým sa nezhromaždí dostatočné množstvo podstatných úprav, kedy sa vydá nová verzia (edition) odporúčania (napr. XML je v súčasnosti v tretej verzii). Niekedy sa odporúčanie stiahne, a znova prechádza celým procesom, ako RDF. W3C tiež publikuje informatívne poznámky (notes), ktoré nie sú mienené ako štandardy.

WEB - World Wide Web (engl. = worldwide web, world = world, =-wide-wide, web = net) is a distributed Internet hypertext information system in which documents contain links to other local or remote dokumenty.Je officially (incorrectly lay name only internet) sign the part where the information is contained in the form of web pages. Each document has a specific address - URL and using it is found and displayed in a program called a web browser. Documents called web site may contain hyperlinks. Thanks to this reference, the documents are joined together and form a network.

Webdesign - is a summary of the resulting processing the proposals and requirements for concept, functional solution and a web site to be fit for use for display and interpretation of web browsers, or other graphical user interface.

Webhosting - Webhosting term respectively. hosting is a term in the IT field, which means in a broader sense: the operation of the website on the server, with a constant connection to the Internet and in the strict sense: A commercial service, which is based on the operation of the website and e-mail.

WYSIWYG - (What You See Is What You Get) is the principle of faithful transmission of visual information, respectively. information modeling for computer into reality so that it corresponds exactly to the modeling of the image with the smallest, respectively. smudged distortion. The term is mainly used in computer graphics, where calls to the printer are exactly the colors in the saturation as the original image on the screen. Common is also used in describing the word processor: WYSIWYG editing in the document appears as it will look when printed, ie fonts, layout, pictures, etc.

XHTML - (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, XHTML) is a markup language (markup language) similar to HTML, but with a stricter syntax. While HTML is an application of SGML, a very flexible markup language XHTML is an application of XML, a limited subset of SGML.


Source: Wikipedia

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